Tuesday, April 1, 2008

1st try!

On a lighter note....lastnite was bubbles 1st try on the potty! yoohooooo....

She was going to do the dooody on the pampers and quickly dash her off to the toilet and strip her pampers of and sat her on the potty, she was actually 1/2 way thru her business kesian....but she manages to do the sheshee and finished her doody on her potty...and she was very happy!!!

So today..i told her that if she wants to do the doody and sheshe, to let me know! lets see how it goes....but she still have her safety net though for protection!!! hahaha

so cute!


little miss kechik said...

gile kejam.. i wonder how die sempat tunggu.. hahah!

theadams said...

;)..... gud luck!

theadams said...

;)..... gud luck!

theadams said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
theadams said...

sorry about the comments, i keep on getting, "try again" but end up it keep reposting! so sorry!

a yummy mummy handbook said...

hahahhaa...no problem....:D..ill keep on trying!..still abit takut to take the pampers off nanti terabur!

little miss kechik said...

hahahhaha... the joy of motherhood..

Anonymous said...

here's a tip from a Mother of 3 trained kiddos.. you have to be very stern! when she accidentally doodled where she's not supposed to, you've gotta put on a very authoritative voice (marah!) and tell her NO! Insya'allah 2 days, she'll be trained. But then you have to monitor her intake of liquid and bring her to the loo every 1/2 hour. When something comes out from her, you cheer and praise her..

a yummy mummy handbook said...

heheheh.....thanks sis!..ive decided that this weekn will be a trainng weekn!..lets see what happens....:D

little miss kechik said...

beb.. this has got to be the most responsive blog entry. hahaha!

p/s : tapi kak pa.. kalau marah die terpeepee even more? how? hee