Thursday, May 5, 2011

Silly policies

I hate policies. I agree that we do need them but some are just plain silly.

One of my dear friend wanted to come over for a visit next month from Cairo and we all super excited rite, then 2 days back she found out that she needs to get a visa to come here...fair enuff we all need visa sometimes..true? but to come to Qatar,she needs to get a visa from a hotel and pay the hotel a minimum 1 nite stay plus the visa fees before she could come here? which comes up around 700 QAR in totaly in a 2 star hotel not even at the Ritz, does that makes any sense? its completely insane to me and truly disappointing for the both of us.

I understand that the country doesn't want to have any immigrant issues...fine and they don't need any money from tourism ( nothing touristic here anyway ! ) but what they are doing here is very restricted. For us Malaysian...yes, no pay 100 QAR at the airport and you get 1 month stay easy and hassle free but for those who needs visa and for visiting purposes ( unless u are related and can prove that you are related ) the rules above apply , sigh!!

It should be a case by case basis noo?

1 comment:

Susie Rosso Wolf said...

Interesting reading about your way of life there. I invite you to drop by my New Prairie Woman blog to comment and follow if you can.

Look forward to reading more about your life!
