Saturday, May 7, 2011

Farewell & Beriyani

( tukang masak beriyani )

Yesterday we had a little feast for our dear friend's mother who was going back to Malaysia after staying here for 3 month. During her stay here the kids exp my girls have warmed up and abselutely love her...i guess it made them feel like she was thier grannies too. Even for me, seeing her around make me miss my mommy too :(. So it was really nice all around for us.

( tetamu terhormat )

So caveman decided to make Ayah's beriyani for lunch yesterday.He was soo semangat and even went to the souq to get a stove to cook and a little paddle to go with it. My dad's beriyani is really easy to he always said ..."tersusah campak campak jer dalam periuk..." but the prep is alot....esp the bawang goreng part. If you have super tiny bawang goreng like we do here in Doha, 1 kg will take you at least 2 hrs of peeling, slicing and frying. Tak percaya??...cuba la but if you screw this up..habis la. Then comes the rice selection..which of course we didnt do. opppsss dont tell my dad yea :). If you have all this sorted will soon have you nasi beriyani johor in a jiffy. Hands down..this is the best beriyani made my caveman to date...the closest version to the masterchef. Clap...Clap...Clap !

To accompany i the beriyani, i made sambal udang and ayam madu ( i was trying to make the ayam madu in restaurant Samudera in Lumut, not quite there yet but i found this recipe on the net from a Malaysian in Dublin, its pretty good and super easy and the we had acar , papadom and air bangung from our dear friends...terima lap you all :) and my fav mango sago dessert.

We all enjoyed the lunch/company, and we're glad our "tetamu terhomat" was pleased and full :)

Selamat Jalan Opah...hope to see you soon!


little miss kechik said...

gile la menduga iman post ni. i so need a good beriyani right now. hehhe

a yummy mummy handbook said...

eat before you get the wisdom tooth out! i miss the nasik beriyani in Lumut is it still as good?

Nishalim said...

hehe..wait till i tell Opah her pic is on ur blog...Thanks for everything sure Opah misses all of u too... ; )

a yummy mummy handbook said...

i miss beriyani kat lumut!!!! the ayam madu tak boleh lawan oooo....