Monday, May 19, 2008

nappy rash nitemare

this is a nitemare for all mothers...and its an agony for the baby! bubbles had never had any serious nappy rash since she was born...but she has been purging and now she has a sore bum. It quite worrying...coz she has been purging for 2 days now...i had to change her at least 10 times a day..poor baby..and everytime she poop she will tell me.."mummy...akit pot pot" and she will ask me to put some ubat on her pot pot...kesian.

Just last week...a good fren of mine has the same porblem with her newborn son...he had a bad case of nappy was a pity too look at him...and he was only 2 weeks old. We tried to give him everything..and the last thing that works was Drapolene. We have been using Drapolene since bubbles was small and it suits was recommended by my sista kakpa and since then..i ve been recommending it to everyone else. Another fren of my recommended Bepanthen..i personally have never used it but it worked wonders o her baby now i have one tube as spare!

There are alot of nappy cream that you can buy from the chemist or pharmacy...E45,sudocream,desitin,metanium...etc..all u need to find is one cream that will work on your baby's bum bum..

I also found some traditional remedy on how to cure nappy of them is by putting egg whites on the bum and some recommend putting corn flour....whether it will work or not....i have no idea..

I hope bubbles "pot pot get better soon and her tummy heals" :(


theadams said...

Hope Safeia'll get better soon. I know how it's like... so sad to see them like that...I dont want to deal with it again!

Anonymous said...

I think thats the beauty of motherhood dear ... Hurm ..

little miss kechik said...

gamat babe.. gamat works wonders

Mom again said...

hey babe! hope you feel better. must be terrible to feel down yourself and having to care for bubbles at the same time. now that i have the confinement aunty with me who sees to the baby 24/7, i'm beginning to feel afraid that i can't deal with the baby by myself! but i'm sure like all new mothers, we will cope just fine. fingers crossed! love you.

a yummy mummy handbook said...

poe...u will manage when there is no help, coz u have too...and ull be me!)

love you tooo,:)