Bubbles has been acting up since baby lulu was born, i asked around and everyone seems to be tell me that its ok..its normal for them to behave like that when the 2nd one comes and that it will be ok soon....my question how soon?
Anyone who knows my daughther, knows that eventhough she is very attached to me..she is also very independent. Since the new baby, she has been very very atttached and very dependent on me and it breaks my heart when i cant give her the time coz i have to sort the lil one. She now merajuk more..sulks..screams more the before and of course it drives me crazy and i get mad and then she gets upsets bla bla bla..i hate to do this...i feel like im nasty mother and it makes me feel very urgggsss..:(.
I was about to go to bed when i saw this email from the baby center pop in my mailbox..: " How to raise a happy child "..just what i needed. before i know bubbles was very very happy now days..i think she feels about sad and sometimes she even says that " im not too happy anymore" can u imagine when your baby says that...i get very sad. Being 3 im not entirely sure is she knows the whole meaning of not so happy but for a 3 yrs old to even utter these words..means something atleast to me that is.
Dont know how this artical will help but im gonna read it and see if i can get something out of it...i really do hope that things will get better.I just hope that she knows how much i love her always and forever..