Monday, March 17, 2008


this is one of fav flowers...and i also know that bestie's is also going crazy with is my mama..she had be trying to plant them since forever but doesn't seems to want to flower anymore..i remembered these beauties at my aunt's place. she had the growing everywhere but of course at the time i had no idea what flowers there were..but i did thot that they were beautiful..esp the colors its amazing the colors these flowers can have which i know depends on the soil that u use...:D...
when i got married...i asked the florist to add one hydrangeas with some roses to my wedding was pinkish, white and a tint of purple on the side and it was huge...but i liked it and i had little purple hydrangeas for my bunga pahar ( no idea what they call it in english :D )

it the hydrangeas season here in egypt...every florist are selling them and they dont come cheap! i got myself a plant 2 days back....for 125 l.e but it ws full of flowers in full bloom and some that are still babies...and they are gorgeous!...the florist said to flower them twice a day and no direct sunlight..i was googling about them this morning and i found this...a website on the care of hydrangeas.. .
i never knew there were other type of hydrangeas..hehehe.

I hope mine last......:D


little miss kechik said...

i want! i want!!

Anonymous said...

gorgeous nyer.. mummy would love to grow them in her backyard. i didn't know it comes in red!! she has her own hydrangeas garden in langat now. wil take pics and post it on my blog.

little miss kechik said...

hydrangeas garden???? waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa....aku nak tanam 1 pasu pun payah!

a yummy mummy handbook said...

hahahhahaha...lawa i rase macam nak beli semau color..heheheh tapi mahal sangat!!1

Anonymous said...

Reena! she is killing me by talking n asking about hydrangeas everyday!!! arrrhhgggg!!!!

little miss kechik said...

nice wuttt...dari tanye psal kete.. baik tanye psal bunge.. kan?kan?