Sunday, January 9, 2011

Bear Cookie Pops

Ive been hearing this all week since bubbles been on vac. The 1st 2 weeks was very busy for her....she pretty much went to work...leaving at 730am coming back from lunch and out again til 6pm...where to? around the compund with her frens...her frens that all will be leaving by new year.

It was pretty sad, i mean i felt sad for her. They only new each other for a few months but its as if they been frens for ages!

So since all her frens are gone now, ive been trying to find things for her to do, painting, writing etc..but everyday she would bug me about the bear cookie pop, im like what is that bubbles??? apparently she had seen in on youtube, bizzare rite...she even know whats the ingredient and how to make it.

So last week i gave in. She was being a doll and i told
her ok, we will make some cookies.
I almost never make cookie except from maybe that one raya, so lucky i had my Chef Wan book to copy a recipe from hahahaha.

It was actually a recipe for biskut cornflakes rangup but i modified it to what we had.

Bear Cookie Pops

1 stick of butter
1 egg yolk
1/2 cup fine sugar
3/4 self raising flour, sifted
100 grm special K
1/2 cup cranberries chopped

Beat sugar and butter til light and creamy, add the egg yolk and mix well. Add in the cornflakes and cranberries, flour and mix well. Roll them out or spoon them out as you like and bake for about 20 mins depending on their sizes at 170 degC.
Make 18 big fat cookies!

Let them cool and eat em all !!!...these cookies are super yummy


khemy said...

Itu Cik Piah? Dah besar.

a yummy mummy handbook said...

yes thats cik piah...:)> She will be 5 in april...besar dah....and ure having another one is super....sanagt berani :). Congrats!

khemy said...

Haha. Thanks. Its unplanned actually, but seems that Allah has bigger plan for me and my family. Syukur, I'm blessed with one big family. Loving it. Hehehe.

ps: you wanna try for a boy? saya ada tips. Hahahahahahaha.