Sunday, May 3, 2009

Couch Potato...

I so dread confinement period...and i have 26 days to go!  i know..i know..its for my own good but...sigh..not that i hate staying at home..i quite like it but when ure put on a restriction its just bugs me and makes me wanna go out even sure u know that feeling rite?

So what do u do at home for 45 days besides...BF ( breast feeding ) ? well for the last 2 weeks i had a confinement lady was pretty nice to have someone at your feet..well not literally but that's what she is there for..i was only suppose to sit and relax...can i do that??...nope..i just cant.I mean one can only relax so much true? but i do like having massages every other day, that's nice and she was a very good too, she'll put some rose water patches on my eyes..and i just go into la la land. and she does keep me occupied..with the tungku in the morning and in the afternoon then the barut which pretty much restrict your movement hahaha and then the herbal bath for the last 2 weeks that was my regime and now that she is afternoon is pretty much free so i have turn to the telly for solitude!!

I've been a total couch potato flipping to astro channel by channel..yes baby lulu in one hand and the remote control in the other. Telly has never been so interesting. In Cairo,i hardly get to watch any TV esp in the last few months so I'm completely lost with the TV programs, these days i get excited with the telly..i even plan my day by it...crazy innit?although i know soon i will get bored of it as the programs starts to rotates again...and then i have to find another fave pass time to kill that 26 days..i think i get caveman to get me some reading materials..hmm any suggestions???


little miss kechik said...

hehe. apelagi.. carikla buku sejarah zaman sekolah.. heheh!

so babe tell me about your confinement la.. did your mom feed you everything with halia? or pepper? teehee..

Fieran said...

Hmm, if you want sad books, there's "The Reader", "The Time Traveler's Wife", etc. If you want happy books, there's "Thanks for the Memories" by Cecelia Ahern and anything from Melissa Nathan is good :)

Mom again said...

stick to telly, dvds or anything that is passive.
as much as i love to read, for the first time in my life i could not read and that happened during my confinement. i found it all too distracting with baby feeding, crying etc. as a result i have a pile of brand new books in my parents' house.

a yummy mummy handbook said...

babe...halia and black pepper in all my meals...and i hate halia!!!...tapi..suck it up and makan...:)

wait til your time the way are u oiling your belly with olive oil already...?

a yummy mummy handbook said...

thanks for the suggestion fieran..i must say i have never heard any of them..the reader was it made into a mvoie with kate winslet?

a yummy mummy handbook said...

sticking to telly babe..hahahaha...i wanna get the korean dvd with hottie daniel henney..:P

Fieran said...

Yeah, that's The Reader. I haven't watched the movie. I read the book for book club (its <300 pages) and it was quite sad but interesting :)

Anonymous said...

make a book or timetable for the baby lulu breast feeding ....

little miss kechik said...

oh yea...that korean hottie.. tapi his movies mostly sad stuff la..

olive? no.. its bio oil at the mo.. and m very malas.. n my belly itches.. hehe