Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Beauty Shots @ 14 days

( mummy woke me up for this shot )

( Me luv sleeping during the day and waking up at nite....:) )

( finally i got my arms out )

( stretch..stretch )

My take on breast feeding

Just like how I wanted to normal delivery for my 1st born, I wanted the same to be able to breast feed her exclusively. However things took a different twist and I had an unplanned c-section and failed at breast feeding...yup...bubbles was fed with formula since she was at the hospital nurses and PMC being a hardcore breast feeding hospital caveman had to sign a consent paper to allow the nurses to give our hungry baby milk.

I did try...I think I tried very hard but it was not happening for me there was no milk but I still continued to give her my breast alternating with the bottle at every feed until she was 4 months when I surrender and she was exclusively on formula. Those 4 months when anyone asked me what is bubbles on...I would cringe and tell them she is on both formulas and breast then I would get the follow up ohh why are u giving her formula...u takde susu ke...etc..The worst was...u have big boobs im surprise u don’t have enough milk… urgggghhh when I think of it’s kinda funny but back then it was very depressing, yes naturally a mother should be able to feed her babies naturally but there are some that aren’t so lucky but I was lucky I had a mother that was very understanding and supported me. Thanks ma!

This time around...I did have a normal delivery with the help of the epidural...yes I have totally under estimated normal delivery and yes it was very painful...after 4 hrs of pain I surrendered to the pain Salut! to all the mothers that goes thru it without any help :D u are all champions!!!!. After the delivery, I was anxious to put my boobs to the test again, I didn’t put I hopes to high as I knew what happen the last time. This time, I didn’t put lulu on the breast until after  6 hrs after delivery and when I finally get to feed her the pressure was on...Alhamdulillah she seems to like my boobs more the her sister and I got  some help from the nurses at the hospital who constantly comes and check on the breast feeding...I was feeling more comfortable and relaxed...the 3rd day I was ecstatic when I saw milk dots coming out woohooo!!!...I had a good feeling about this....

now 2 weeks after the delivery, still not a latching pro yet,im glad that I have been able to breast feed lulu and she seems quite happy. Although my production is not as big as  big as others and I have to give her more feed to keep her full im grateful on how things are going so far and I hope it will continue to free flow..and I have found a few helping aid to help me pass the time while Grey's Anatomy...ANTM season 12 and listening to the Quran recital on caveman iPhone ( the iPhone is useful after all )  like they say kill to birds with one stone...:D.


So yeah…breast feeding is not easy ,everyday when i have to wake up at 3 am…and again at 5 am…and my nipples hurts like hell….times like this I get  very tempted to just give her the bottle…temptations ..temptations  temptations   


12 Keys to Successful Breastfeeding
Breastfeeding is a process that must be learned by both mother and child. Here are some tips that will help make nursing work for you and your baby:

Breastfeeding is Best

With rare exceptions, breastfeeding is the ideal method of feeding all infants and should continue through the first year of life or longer, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics. The benefits of breastfeeding over formula feeding include:

• lower rates of gastrointestinal disturbances

• fewer inner-ear infections

• fewer respiratory infections

• fewer urinary tract infections

• lower incidence of chronic childhood diseases, such as diabetes and cancer.
1. Begin breastfeeding as soon as possible after birth, preferably within an hour. The substance emitted from a mom’s breasts during the first few days following birth (colostrum) is rich in protein and other substances that help fight infection.

2. Try different positions when breastfeeding. Avoid leaning over the baby. Instead, sit back and bring the baby up to breast level. Use pillows for support.

3. Have your baby suckle on as much of the areola as possible.

4. Alternate the breast your baby begins with each time to reduce some of the soreness you may feel.

5. Seek an evaluation of your breastfeeding technique by a trained professional during the first 24 to 48 hours after birth.

6. Feed your baby whenever she shows signs of hunger. It is crucial that infants be fed on demand.

7. Nurse until your baby is satisfied. The fat content of breast milk increases during the suckling session. Let your baby finish the first breast (about 10 to 15 minutes) before offering the second.

8. Burp your baby once or twice during and after each feeding.

9. Avoid pacifiers until breastfeeding has been well established.

10. If possible, breastfeed exclusively during the first six months. Breastfeeding is ideal for your baby’s growth and development.

11. Do not give supplements (water, glucose water, formula, etc.) to your breastfed newborn unless a clear medical reason exists.

12. Your diet plays a crucial role in the success of breastfeeding. A diet based on the four basic food groups is recommended.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Happy Birthday Sayang

( Daddy's princesses
 Yes...whenever there is a birthday ..its her's too my lil fairy princess )

April is a very big month for me...i have heaps of fave peeps that have birthdays on this month...from my FIL...SIL..our two princess..bestie lis...lil niece and of course my darling caveman too...turn a year older last Sunday and for 4 months every year we we get to be the same age :D.

Since I'm on confinement a.k.a house arrest we had his family for lunch...a kari kepala ikan lunch! i haven't had that in while too..yummy.

Happy Birthday Sayang.....Luv Always.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Introducing Nur Arissa Mohammad Sharizal

( Fresh from the oven )

( mummy and baby lulu  moment )

( leaving the hospital )

( nur arissa @ 7 days )

For the last 7 days we have been bombard with the same question by everybody that came to visit the new born..." So whats the baby's name"... " She doesnt have a name yet... we call her baby lulu for now " and 2 days back i got a call from a dear fren in Germany, as we talked the same question came up..." So whats her name? " i said we dont yet..and she laugh..she said its funny how u now have a baby and dont have a name yet where else i who do not have a baby yet already have a name for my future baby..:). When i think about it...thats quite true...alot of pll i know have their baby names set even before they are born...some even before they are married, i think even i did once upon a time...hahahaha...but i dont remember it anymore.
For me at least..its always been difficult to name my babies i always prefer to see them 1st and call them with the name to see if its fits. This time caveman and i had shortlisted 3 names...layla...arissa and iman for baby lulu although eveyone has been calling her lulu ( which i think will stick ! ) we wanted to wait on the 7th day before official naming her at the registra.

So our little buttercup is now called...Nur Arissa Mohammad Sharizal a.k.a baby lulu...

Friday, April 17, 2009

Thank you..

Dear all 

Thank you  for all the warm wishes, pressies and visits, it was really thoughtful and generous.

Alhamdulillah...we have welcomed a new addition to our family....the arrival of a healthy baby lulu ( for now  :D ) on the 14th April 2009 weighting at 3.38kg and 51 cm long  delivered at Pantai Medical Center in room 223 by Dr Wong Sum Keong.

We are all back in my parents house to nest for the next 30 days...unfortunately i do not have an official picture of her yet...i don't even know where is my camera at the moment...once we get settled down...the pictures will be up..and hopefully she will have an official name too..

Thanks Poe for being my super spoke person....:).


Friday, April 10, 2009

EDD : 11 April 2009...count down begins

Its been awhile...yes i know. Too much happened and too much to I'm gonna leave it at that for now.

The present.....

Alhamdulilah today, we received some good news from the caveman doctor, which lifted a huge load of our shoulder and i reach my full term pregnancy 40 weeks...and where is the baby....???? still in my belly..well as of 1 am 11 April 2009. I guess baby lulu is very comfy in my belly, although im starting to feel her trying to maneuver herself in position and that kinda hurts a little but i was told that the real thing hurts even more...:O. My doctor gave me one more week from today and if she still wants to stay in her mummy's belly...the Dr will have to induce me...on the 18Th April...yep..on bubbles birthday. It will be great to have both my girls on the same way...but i don't know how well bubbles will take it..she is all big on birthdays and having to share it with her sista...hmmmm...we might have a situation :). i guess we shall see......:).

I think there is a blessing in disguised that baby lulu is still in my belly..there is a few things that we need to do before she getting her bed ready, her bathing stuff and preparing her room alittle. This time i swap my wicked purple walls to a calmer shade of brown so that it will look not soo big room will now have to room 4 peeps now...:). I know...alot of you must be thinking that all this should be done by now.. to be honest, the last 3 weeks was has been very busy,i feel bad myself for not having it done so this time it has to be done in the next few more excuse mummy!!!

So the count down begins........will keep it posted!